Sep 26, 2024
Alison and Amanda talk about the ways they weather a storm, a strange solution for strength training, and the formulas for naming friend groups.
Sis & Tell, an award-winning weekly comedic podcast, is hosted by southern Jewish sisters the Emmy-nominated Alison Goldstein Lebovitz from PBS' The A List and comedian Amanda...
Sep 20, 2024
Alison and Amanda talk about the new language of the Next Gen, becoming part of the AARP bandwagon, the lost culture of customer service and managing Mom Com material.
Sis & Tell, an award-winning weekly comedic podcast, is hosted by southern Jewish sisters the Emmy-nominated Alison Goldstein Lebovitz from PBS' The A...
Sep 6, 2024
Alison and Amanda talk about the beauty of a Hardee’s biscuit, the many faces of magic, and their latest reality show reviews.
Sis & Tell, an award-winning weekly comedic podcast, is hosted by southern Jewish sisters the Emmy-nominated Alison Goldstein Lebovitz from PBS' The A List and comedian Amanda...