May 31, 2024
Alison and Amanda talk about perfecting their prank calling, the Chopped challenge using ChatGPT, the potential pros and problems with artificial intelligence and becoming a RIT brand ambassador.
Sis & Tell, an award-winning weekly comedic podcast, is hosted by southern Jewish sisters the Emmy-nominated Alison...
May 24, 2024
Alison and Amanda talk about getting through graduation, preparing to parent adult children, conceding that nobody cares.
Sis & Tell, an award-winning weekly comedic podcast, is hosted by southern Jewish sisters the Emmy-nominated Alison Goldstein Lebovitz from PBS' The A List and comedian Amanda Goldstein Marks.
May 17, 2024
Alison and Amanda talk about their job search strategies, the necessity of networking, and navigating the nuances of the workplace.
Sis & Tell, an award-winning weekly comedic podcast, is hosted by southern Jewish sisters the Emmy-nominated Alison Goldstein Lebovitz from PBS' The A List and comedian Amanda...
May 3, 2024
Alison and Amanda talk about the power of the post office, improving their purse game, and the annoying use of nicknames.
Sis & Tell, an award-winning weekly comedic podcast, is hosted by southern Jewish sisters the Emmy-nominated Alison Goldstein Lebovitz from PBS' The A List and comedian Amanda Goldstein Marks.