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Sis & Tell Podcast

Mar 31, 2023

The sisters talk about celebrating multiple milestones, the realities of ride sharing and horrifying hoarding stories. 

Sis & Tell, an award-winning weekly comedic podcast, is hosted by southern Jewish sisters the Emmy-nominated Alison Goldstein Lebovitz from PBS' The A List and comedian Amanda Goldstein Marks.

Mar 17, 2023

Alison and Amanda talk about breaking bar mitzvah party prohibitions, the worrying effects of using Waze, and farm animal fascinations .

Sis & Tell, an award-winning weekly comedic podcast, is hosted by southern Jewish sisters the Emmy-nominated Alison Goldstein Lebovitz from PBS' The A List and comedian Amanda...

Mar 10, 2023

Alison and Amanda talk about credit cards for kids, movies related to their marriages, and virtue signaling on social media.

Sis & Tell, an award-winning weekly comedic podcast, is hosted by southern Jewish sisters the Emmy-nominated Alison Goldstein Lebovitz from PBS' The A List and comedian Amanda Goldstein Marks.

Mar 3, 2023

Alison and Amanda talk about an unfortunate Wheel of Fortune, driving parents crazy, and alarming moments.

Sis & Tell, an award-winning weekly comedic podcast, is hosted by southern Jewish sisters the Emmy-nominated Alison Goldstein Lebovitz from PBS' The A List and comedian Amanda Goldstein Marks.